Hiring for your company ?

We work with software companies from early startups to IPO. If you are a hiring manager in need of strong engineering talent, we’d love to hear from you.

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Our Services

Contingency Search

ESP Tech Talent does not charge an upfront cost to recruit for your positions. We take care of the entire recruitment process and charge a portion of the candidate's salary. All placements are guaranteed for 90 days.

Container Search

This is a combination of contingency and retained search that allows companies to secure an exclusive partner for a strategic or sensitive position. This is a one-of-a-kind option in which a percentage of the expected placement cost is paid up front and exclusivity is agreed upon by both parties.

Retained Search

Executive search in the traditional sense. ESP Tech Talent is the sole provider of retained searches. Before the duty begins, the cost of the search is agreed upon. Payments are made on the basis of either time or progress.